It is hard work and very fun at the same time. I find it very easy to stay in shape because of the opportunity the club offers me. People come to practice Tae Kwon Do for different reasons, but my main focus is to keep training to become a top fighter in the nation.~ Tuong Nguyen


It’s a wonderful byproduct of an affluent society to be able to have these choices. On the other hand, there are only 24 hours in a day, and if you decide to take your child to ballet or tae kwon do and other sports and everything else, then something has to be eliminated.~ Cathy O’Keefe


He had tied his tae kwon do belt, and he was standing next to his bed.~ Troy Clark


It is a very lofty but reachable goal, … It’s difficult to obtain, some of the best tae kwon do athletes never make it to the Olympics. It’s definitely possible though, and it will be quite an accomplishment if he reaches it.~ Dennis White


Tae kwon do and karate are basically the same. It depends on the teacher. Karate is 80 percent with your hands and 20 percent with your feet. Tae kwon do is 80 percent with your feet and 20 percent with your hands. Here at my center, I teach about 50-50.~ Peter Morales